5 Ways Acupuncture Changed My Life

When I was a little girl, I hated going to the doctor. The lights, the smells, the sounds...they completed freaked me out. You see, I was diagnosed with scoliosis when I was 10 years old and was in and out of doctor’s offices for years. Scoliosis is a pathological curvature of the spine, which can be treated with bracing, physical therapy or, in my case, surgery. (Big shout out to BC Children’s Hospital for the incredible care they provided!)

It wasn’t until after surgery that I was introduced to acupuncture and acupressure massage — and I can honestly say it changed my life.

  1. Acupuncture reconnected me with my physical body: After surgery, it felt like my mind and body were disconnected. The physical and emotional trauma associated with undergoing 12 hours on the operating table left me feeling numb and and unsure of my own body’s potential. But, when I began seeing my acupuncturist, I could feel the energy + colour coming back into my life. For the first time in months, I could wiggle my toes without numbness. I could stretch my arms above my head and feel my back muscles engage. But, most importantly, I began believing in my body’s potential once again.

  2. Acupuncture brought back my mobility: Scar tissue is a beast! I have always been a flexible person — I was a gymnast for years, and often found myself “resting” in splits. (#NotAnymore) After surgery, my spine was fused and my muscles were exhausted and tense from the shift in structure. I was told to rest and walk a little bit everyday, but I knew I needed more. Acupuncture helped break up my scar tissue and increased circulation to my tired and strained muscles.

  3. Acupuncture gave me insight into my own unique health patterns: In Chinese Medicine, health and disease can be understood as a pattern instead of a simple one-size-fits-all diagnosis. Each person has a unique collection of symptoms that tell a story. Working with my acupuncturist allowed me to see how my back pain was related to my headaches, and how my recurring dreams were tied to my affinity for hot baths before bed! It was refreshing to hear a healthcare practitioner tie together and explain my symptoms instead of just handing over a prescription.

  4. Acupuncture taught me how emotions are held in my body: Our bodies are so emotionally intelligent. Acupuncture allowed me to understand how each organ system is directly related to different emotions. For example, grief is embodied in the lungs, worry is embodied in the spleen, fear is embodied in the kidneys, anger is embodied in the liver, and joy is embodied in the heart. And, while emotions are NOT pathological, it is common to have physical symptoms in the associated organs when you are feeling one or more of these emotions in excess.

  5. Acupuncture increased my self-confidence: Acupuncture is the most empowering medicine. It works with your own body’s innate healing abilities to support and nourish you instead of trying to force your body into health. Healing with the help of acupuncture taught me the power of my own body, and that confidence has spilled into every aspect of my life!

Curious to see how acupuncture can change your life too? Book your own Acupuncture @ Home session HERE.


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