Moving Meditation for Seasonal Transitions

With the transition of seasons, you may be feeling a bit all over the place. Here on Vancouver Island, we often fluctuate through rain storms, breezy winds , and some pretty beautiful bursts of sunshine. Needless to say, the change of seasons can stir up a lot of emotion!

Here are 4 simple movements you can do to help ease those seasonal woes… (and check out the video below!)

🍃 ARM SWINGS: Find a comfortable position, either seated or standing. Breath in, bringing your arms up in front of you. As you breath out, let your arms swing down beside your body. Repeat this movement as much as needed, incorporating as much or as little body movement as feels right. (I love incorporating knee bends and slightly forward bends with this motion.)⁣

🍃 BREATH LIFTS: In this simple breathing exercise, we focus on lifting our energy with our breath. In a standing or seated position, breath in with your palms facing upwards. As you exhale, turn your palms down to the earth. I love doing this exercise standing, and rising up onto my tippy toes with each inhale. ⁣

🍃 CHEST CURLS: We hold so much tension in our chest and upper back. In this exercise, we draw our attention to this area by expanding our chest with inhales, and curling our back with our exhales. Feel free to make this curl as big or as small as your like. ⁣

🍃 UPRIGHT SNOW ANGEL: This may be a favourite breathing exercise ever. With every inhale, expand your arms sideways and up above your head, taking up as much space as you can. As you exhale, bring your arms back down to your sides.⁣

These little movements have some big impacts. Take a breath…you’re doing great. ❤️⁣


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